Guide: C*nn*bis for Pain Relief
How to use plants over pills as the U.S. healthcare system fails us
As the Luigi Mangione United Healthcare saga unfolds, the reactions and stories from people who are struggling to get adequate healthcare from a failing system are staggering yet unsurprising. If you’ve ever experienced even the most minor chronic pain, the discomfort can feel maddening.
Trying to get anything treated by our medical institutions can be even more frustrating and infuriating than the pain itself. Luigi Mangione broke his back and suffered from extreme pain while navigating a broken healthcare system. As evidenced by the outpouring of commentary and personal stories, he is not alone in his pain and frustration.
The common thread is that CEOs, executives, and board members of for-profit healthcare and pharma companies are making record profits on suffering, pain, and addiction, while people are struggling to have basic medical needs met.
What if it didn’t have to be that way?
I can’t fix or change the broken healthcare system. But I can share my knowledge about how ca**abis helps with pain relief with people who seek more natural treatment options – a ray of hope or modicum of relief in an unsupportive and insufferable system.
**Disclaimer: This is educational and informational only. I am not a licensed medical professional, nor do I have professional training as a medical health practitioner. I work at a dispensary that specializes in medical c****bis, and draw from my knowledge, experience, training, anecdotal evidence, and independent research. The Ca**abis Nurses Association and Healer program are good resources for additional information.
In this Guide: How to Use Can**bis for Pain Relief
Why c*nn*bis works for pain and discomfort
CBG + THCA + CBDA: Minor Ca*nabinoids to look for
Ask a Budtender
HIGH-ly Recommended Products
Affordable Plant Medicine
IMPORTANT: Due to current 2024/2025 laws, ca**abis is deemed federally illegal in the U.S. and most the world despite being legal in the majority of states. Please know that using c**nabis at this time is still deemed illegal and unsavory by health insurance and most medical practices. They have the right to deny and discontinue coverage and service. Navigate your situation thoughtfully and carefully.
More physicians are open to patients seeking ca**abis as alternative care, but they are not well-versed in medical c*nn*bis themselves nor are they aware of the ever-changing products and quality in the legal c*nn*bis industry. Doctors refer their patients to the dispensary I work at, and we help support their needs.
💊 Check if your medications interact with ca**abis.
How Ca**abis Works to Relieve Pain
Cannabinoids naturally found in the ca**abis plant – including but not limited to THC, CBD, CBG, THCa, CBDa, CBC, THCv, and many others – interact with the receptors in our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
“Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment.” –
Opioids block pain signals from reaching the brain and spinal cord, thereby numbing the blocking the pain. Cannabinoids activate receptors in our brain and nerves that help regulate pain and inflammation, reducing the discomfort to a more manageable level.
“At the site of an injury, for example, cannabinoids can be found to decrease the release of activators and sensitizers from the injured tissue, stabilizing the nerve cell to prevent excessive firing, and calming nearby immune cells to prevent the release of pro-inflammatory substances. Three different mechanisms of action on three different cell types for a single purpose: minimize the pain and damage caused by the injury.” –
Depending on the cause and source of pain, there are different formats, ratios, and products to address the issues. THC is better for relieving acute pain. CBD is better for pain caused by inflammation.
Options for Using Ca**abis for Pain
Topicals // Salve, Oil, Balm, Transdermal Patches, Bath Soak, Roll-On Sticks (doesn’t make you feel high)
Edibles // Tablets, Mints, Gummies, Chocolate, Beverages (longer lasting effects)
Tinctures // Sublingual Oils, RSO/FSO (fast acting effects, low sugar)
Inhale // Flower, Vaporizers (fast acting effects)
CBG + THCA + CBDA: Minor Cannabinoids to look for
C*nn*bis is not one size fits all like a pill prescription. Everyone’s Endocannabinoid System is different and it takes experimentation to find the right therapeutic dose and blend for each individual. Take notes and consume mindfully to be aware of what’s working or not working for you.
For maximum effects with minimal to no psychoactive high effects, these three minor cannabinoids are the most effective pain relievers in addition to THC + CBD. These cannabinoids are commonly found in and most effective when consumed as a tincture, tablet, edible, or transdermal.
CBG: Satisfying body high that makes my body feel like jiggly Jell-O. Uplifting and focusing, clear-headed effects.
THCa: Strong analgesic. Non-activated form of THC. Get the pain-relieving benefits of THC with no psychoactive head high. Ingested, not inhaled. Do not heat.
CBDa: Strong anti-inflammatory that’s more effective than CBD alone. Non-activated form of CBD. It inhibits an enzyme associated with pain and inflammation, and interacts with serotonin receptors.
Ask a Budtender
Commonly asked questions and what I’d recommend and where to start. Use the minimum effective dose – lowest potency possible to achieve desired effects.
Best and most effective products are made with whole plant, solventless can**bis extracts, or full spectrum. Avoid distillate based THC or CBD-only products if possible. Product availability and accessibility will vary by state.
I feel numbness and pain in my wrist, fingers, and shoulders.
1:1 topicals, tinctures, or edibles
THCa, CBG, or 1:1 transdermal patches for immediate relief
Do stretching exercises daily.
What should I get my elderly family member who has arthritis?
A CBD-rich topical. 3:1 or at least 1:1 CBD to THC ratio. Apply directly to skin as needed.
A low dose CBD or CBDa-rich tincture taken daily.
My knees hurt. I have a previous injury and the cartilage between my joints has worn down.
THC-rich topical or transdermal patch. 1:3 or high THC formula.
A low dose THCa tincture taken daily.
An indica-type flower or vape that provides strong body high.
I broke a bone. My back and hips hurt. I tore a ligament. Everything hurts!
THC, THCa, CBD, and/or CBG edibles, tablets, tinctures, or inhaleables.
Infused bath soaks can provide immediate sweet relief. Soak before bedtime to help relax and sleep.
These will help distract from the physical pain and mental anguish as you heal in tandem with physical therapy over time.
Can ca**abis relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms?
CBD, CBDa, and CBG tinctures and edibles to reduce inflammation and abdominal pain.
THC can help reduce nausea and increase appetite.
I’m passing a kidney stone.
THCa and/or CBG tablet for pain relief.
High THC edible or inhaleable to help distract from the pain.
Drink lots of water.
I have a toothache.
THCa tablet or tincture to manage the pain.
Rinse your mouth and area of pain with warm salt water.
Go see a dentist, you might have a tooth infection and need antibiotics.
My monthly period pains are so painful. I have endometriosis.
High THC topicals and transdermal patches applied directly to the skin.
Infused suppositories are GREAT. Feels like your uterus is high and provides immediate relief.
Strong, high THC inhaleables can provide immediate relief.
I’m suffering from a broken heart.
Get high, work through your emotions, and make art.
Have a question? Ask me.
HIGH-ly Recommended for Pain Relief
Gummies + Chocolate
Camino Fresh Squeezed Recovery
Camino Golden Peach Chew
Care By Design Huckleberry Relief
Kanha 2:1 Harmony Restore
Kanha Mini Float
Plus Tart Cherry Relief
Wyld Pear
Good Tide Refreshing Kiwi Strawberry
Tablets + Capsules
Emerald Bay Extracts White CBG
Level Protabs CBG
Proof CBG Capsules
Doc Mike’s THCa Tablets
Tinctures + Topical
Mary’s Medicinals CBG + THCa Transdermal Patch
Proof CBG Elixir
Yummi Karma Dragonfruit 10:10:1 Tincture
Hello Again Suppositories
Flower Strains
OGs and Kush – Heavy body highs commonly found with Indica type effects
CBG-Rich – Additional body high relief. Look for Farm Cut Trilogy, Solful Governmint Oasis, Sonoma Hills Farm White CBG, Bohemian Chemist Hill Rich, and White Widow.
CBD-rich – Strong anti-inflammatory effects without the head high.

Affordable Plant Medicine
Real talk. Buying legal ca**abis at a dispensary can be expensive. With sky high taxes and fees, these products are not covered by insurance and often cash/debit only. With prices ranging from $15 to $90 each, shelling out hundreds of dollars each visit over months can add up.
But here’s the thing, having access to plant medicine doesn’t have to be expensive. Get some seeds and you can grow and make it at home. It’s not dangerous. It’s easier than you think. One plant can yield more than enough to last you an entire year.
Make your own tinctures and salves at home for a fraction of the price. It’s the exact same process as making infused butter and oil for cooking. Rather than buying $20 tins of gummies, make your own candies and edibles at home.
Can**bis as medicine doesn’t have to be expensive. The legal ca**abis system made it expensive and inaccessible.
For more herbal remedies, check out Lindsay MaHarry’s “Herbalism for people who can’t afford health insurance” series on IG.
How to Make C*nn*bis Salve
An easy recipe to make your own topicals and salves at home. All you need is some crappy w**d, coconut oil, and a mason jar.
Believe in the power of plants.
XOXO, Christina W.
Great information 💯
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