
Video Tutorial: How to Make a Bodaciously Botanical Pumpkin Bong

With Hollywood floral artist Tiffany Gabrus of The Sweetzer Life

Reposting one of my favorite fall season activities with a video tutorial.


Gather yee pumpkins and get in witches, we’re getting *catnipped*! Is it even Halloweed if you don’t carve a pumpkin bong? But why be basic when we can go BOTANICAL and make the fanciest festive smoking accessory this side of a hot glue gun. 

These Bodaciously Botanical Pumpkin Bongs are a Fruit + Flower x The Sweetzer Life collab with Tiffany Gabrus, a badass babe who owns a sexy ass floral & event design boutique. Her Happy Goth meets Glinda the Good Witch design aesthetic is splashed all over this project and I LOVE it. Our original plan was to carve pumpkin bongs and make Halloween flower arrangements, but after a few hits of *catnip* Tiffany shouts, “Wait. The pumpkin bong IS the floral arrangement!!!!!!!” Scroll all the way down to the bottom to see why I think Tiffany is a badass boss babe.   

Grab your stony bff, pumpkin carving supplies, and let’s get baked! 

Bodaciously Botanical Pumpkin Bongs, Fruit + Flower Co. x The Sweetzer Life collab




  • Use caution and be careful when using sharp objects and flammable materials while consuming cannabis. Enjoy carefully and responsibly to prevent injury to yourself and others. 21+ only

  • Craft decorations and dried flowers are EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. Use caution and keep flammable objects away from the front bowl hole and where a flame will come near. Keep a pitcher of water nearby for safety. Ask a friend to light the bowl for you since it can be hard to see depending on the angle of your bowl. 

  • Store the pumpkin bong in the fridge when not in use to keep cold, prevent mold, and slow down rot. Will keep for about 7-10 days in the fridge, discard after 10 days refrigerated. If you see mold inside the pumpkin, discontinue use immediately and discard.  

How to Carve a Pumpkin Bong

Step 1: Gather Supplies 

  • 1 medium-sized pumpkin

  • A glass bowl and/or downstem from a bong

  • A large chef’s knife

  • A small paring/carving knife 

  • Medium sized bowl + large spoon 

  • Paper towels

Step 2: Get *catnipped* to get your creativity juices flowing. 

Seriously, this helps a lot and makes the entire experience more fun. Cannabis helps me focus, unleashes my creativity, and makes any tedious task very amusing. 

Step 3: Hollow out your pumpkin. 

Cut the top off carefully and lift to reveal the pumpkin insides. Scoop out the insides into a medium bowl using the spoon. Save to make roasted pumpkin seeds at a later time. Gently pat in the inside dry.

Step 4: Carve the smoking holes. 

Using a small paring knife, carefully make three holes on the sides of the pumpkin – at the following positions:  

  • 12 o’clock - bowl

  • 6 o’clock - your mouth

  • 9 o’clock (right-handed) / 3 o’clock (left-handed) - carb hole for your thumb to control air release

Don’t make the holes too large, the bowl hole should be just enough for the bowl to fit snugly. Carb hole is just big enough for your thumb to cover. And mouth hole to inhale. 

Step 5: Make the pumpkin somewhat airtight. 

To test airtightness: cover the top of the glass bowl with your finger and inhale and blow gently to get a sense of where the airflow is coming from. 

Seal any holes from the pumpkin “lid” and bowl hole using a folded piece of paper towel between the pumpkin flesh. It doesn’t need to be perfectly airtight, but it does need to be enough that it feels tight and there is resistance when you inhale. 

Technically, this is a pumpkin pipe at this point and not a bong.

To make it a bong, you’ll need to use a glass downstem and bowl in the front hole, and add the appropriate amount of water for the downstem to reach. 

But I couldn’t resist the alliteration of bodaciously botanical bongs. Onward!  

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Make a Bodaciously Botanical Pumpkin Bong

You could stop here, kick back and enjoy that fresh pumpkin bong, but I know you came here for more. Gather your crafting supplies! You’ll need a hot glue gun, and your choice of seasonal decorations shenanigans from the craft store.


A friendly reminder that dried flowers and decorations are VERY FLAMMABLE. Please choose your decorations wisely and be mindful of safety first so no one will burn their eyebrows off, or worse.  

Step 1: Choose your creative motif. 

Plug in the hot glue gun and arrange the materials to decorate your pumpkin.

Step 2: Using the hot glue gun…

In your elevated state, firmly adhere the decorations to the carved pumpkin bong until your masterpiece is complete. 

Keep flammable materials away from the front bowl hole. You may cover up the top lid as you will not need to reopen the pumpkin lid. 

Step 3: Light ‘er Up! 

Keep a pitcher of water nearby for safety. Pack your bowl with ground flower, and find a friend to help you safely light the bowl. Inhale slowly and ask with intent: “how can the plant help you today?” Exhale.  


Store the pumpkin bong in the fridge when not in use to prevent mold, and slow down the rotting process. Bonus is that you get ice cold bong rips. 

Keeps for about 7-10 days in the fridge. If you see mold inside the pumpkin, discontinue use immediately and discard.  

Show me your botanical bongs! Tag me on IG @fruitandflower + Twitter @fruit_flower_co

I had such a good time making these with Tiffany @thesweetzerlife. I love her gorgeous maximalist meets glam floral style . We both followed our hearts and left corporate careers to create something for ourselves while enjoying it with every fiber of our beings. So yea, she’s a badass bodacious babe. 

Hit her up at theSweetzerlife [at] gmail [dot] com whenever you need stunning florals for your next event. 

XOXO, Christina W.